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- // Cabinet Guy system created by Mackey McCandlish
- //
- // Before level waittill spawn "exec global/cabinet.scr".
- //
- // Used in m5l1a, m5l1b, and m3l2 or m3l3, or maybe both.
- //
- // Make a animate/furniture_hidden-cabinet (there are 3 possible kinds). Targetname it "cabinet".
- //
- // Create an AI guy nearby. Give him classname "ai_actor" (doesn't effect anything except make his bounding box blue in the
- // editor, makes him stand out as a "not real guy"). Target the cabinet to the guy.
- //
- // Create a trigger_multiple with targetname "cabinettrigger". Give it and the cabinet the same #set value. The way it works
- // is that entering the cabinettrigger arms the cabinet and leaving the cabinettrigger fires the cabinet (unleashing the AI
- // guy).
- //
- // The default chance of a guy jumping out of a cabinet is 40%. You can change this by giving the cabinet a new #chance value.
- main:
- if ($cabinettrigger == NULL)
- level.cabinettriggers = 0
- else
- level.cabinettriggers = $cabinettrigger.size
- if (level.cabinettriggers > 0)
- {
- level.cabinettrigger = exec global/makearray.scr $cabinettrigger
- for (local.i=1;local.i<level.cabinettriggers+1;local.i++)
- {
- if (level.cabinettrigger[local.i].set == NIL)
- exec global/error.scr ("Error, cabinettrigger at " + level.cabinettrigger[local.i].origin + " has no #set") 1
- else
- level.cabinettrigger[local.i] thread cabinettrigger
- }
- println ("Spawned " + level.cabinettriggers + " cabinettriggers")
- }
- if ($cabinet == NULL)
- level.cabinets = 0
- else
- level.cabinets = $cabinet.size
- if (level.cabinets > 0)
- {
- level.cabinet = exec global/makearray.scr $cabinet
- for (local.i=1;local.i<level.cabinets+1;local.i++)
- {
- if (level.cabinet[local.i].set == NIL)
- exec global/error.scr ("Error, cabinet at " + level.cabinet[local.i].origin + " has no #set") 1
- else
- {
- if (level.cabinet[local.i].target)
- level.cabinet[local.i].spawner = waitthread global/spawner.scr::spawner_create level.cabinet[local.i].target
- level.cabinet[local.i] thread checkdeath
- level.cabinet[local.i] thread checkuse
- }
- }
- println ("Spawned " + level.cabinets + " cabinets")
- }
- end
- cabinettrigger:
- level waittill spawn
- if (game.medic != NIL)
- {
- self delete
- end
- }
- self waittill trigger
- while ($player istouching self)
- waitframe
- for (local.i=1;local.i<level.cabinets+1;local.i++)
- if ((level.cabinet[local.i].set == self.set) && (isalive level.cabinet[local.i]))
- thread cabinetgo local.i
- end
- cabinetgo local.i:
- // if (level.cabinet[local.i].dontfire == NIL)
- local.num = randomint (100)
- level.cabinet[local.i].dontfire = 1
- if (local.num < level.cabinet[local.i].chance)
- {
- if (level.cabinet[local.i].pause)
- wait (level.cabinet[local.i].pause)
- if (level.cabinet[local.i].target)
- local.target = level.cabinet[local.i].target
- if (level.cabinet[local.i].spawner != NIL)
- local.ent = waitthread global/spawner.scr::spawner_activate level.cabinet[local.i].spawner
- else
- local.ent = spawn human/german_wehrmact_soldier
- level.cabinet[local.i] damage $world 15000 $world (0 0 0) (0 0 0) (0 0 0) 0 9 0 0
- if (local.target)
- local.ent.creator = local.target
- local.ent.nosurprise = 1
- local.ent.angles = level.cabinet[local.i].angles
- local.ent noticescale 1
- local.ent mindist 64
- local.ent maxdist 2048
- local.ent accuracy 100
- local.o = level.cabinet[local.i] gettagposition "tag_origin"
- local.ent.origin = local.o
- local.ent exec global/disable_ai.scr
- local.ent notsolid
- level.cabinet[local.i] playsound cabinetopen
- level.cabinet[local.i] anim open
- local.ent anim_scripted cabinet_hiding_attack
- local.ent waittill animdone
- local.angles = vector_toangles (local.ent.origin - $player.origin)
- local.ent.angles = ( 0 (local.angles[1] - 180) 0)
- local.ent exec global/enable_ai.scr
- local.ent solid
- wait 3
- local.ent runto $player
- }
- end
- checkuse:
- level waittill spawn
- if (game.medic == NIL)
- self.rotatedbbox = 1
- end
- checkdeath:
- self solid
- // local.target = $(self.targetname + self.target)
- /*
- if (self.target != NIL)
- {
- local.target = self.target
- local.target notsolid
- if (local.target.model == NIL)
- local.target.model = "human/german_wehrmact_soldier.tik"
- self.mdl = local.target.model
- local.target.model = "fx/dummy.tik"
- }
- */
- if !(self.chance)
- self.chance = 40
- // if (randomint (100) > self.chance)
- // self.dontfire = 1
- level waittill spawn
- self solid
- if (game.medic != NIL)
- {
- self delete
- end
- }
- self takedamage
- self.health = randomint(100) + 50
- while (self.health > 1)
- wait 0.2
- if (randomint (100) < self.chance)
- end
- if (self.dontfire != NIL)
- end
- if (self.spawner != NIL)
- local.ent = waitthread global/spawner.scr::spawner_activate self.spawner
- else
- local.ent = spawn human/german_wehrmact_soldier
- local.ent nodamage
- local.ent dontdropweapons
- local.ent hide
- local.ent.creator = local.target
- local.ent.angles = self.angles
- local.ent noticescale 1
- local.ent accuracy 100
- local.o = self gettagposition "tag_origin"
- local.ent.origin = local.o
- local.ent exec global/disable_ai.scr
- local.ent notsolid
- local.ent exec global/setdeathanim.scr "cabinet_hiding_death"
- local.ent.no_idle = 1
- local.ent dropitems
- local.ent anim_scripted cabinet_hiding_death
- wait 0.35
- local.ent show
- self playsound cabinetopen
- self anim open
- local.ent waittill animdone
- local.ent bedead
- end